How Do Different Types of Leisure Affect Depressive Symptoms?
,Participation in leisure activities has been shown to benefit the mental health of older adults, but it has not always been clear what mental health…
Reflections on Aging, Irony & Wisdom
,“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”—Charlie Chaplin To paraphrase the wise comedian, life is ironic—a paradox that sometimes…
Aging & the Social Dimensions of Time
,Time can initially seem like a basic, common-sense concept that is easily measured. But the social and subjective experiences of time—concepts such as generations, age…
Non-Family Relationships May Be Increasingly Important in Aging
,Previous research presented in aging in action suggests that a diverse social network, one that includes non-family, is associated with improved health, well-being, and access…
Engaged as We Age
,Many of today’s older adults are re-inventing how they become or remain engaged with work, volunteer activities, education and other learning activities, and caregiving for…
The Link Between Physical Health & Psychological Well-Being Among Recently Bereaved Spouses
,One of the most distressing of life events is experiencing the death of a spouse. The health detriments associated with widowhood are well-documented. Surviving spouses…
AAHSA Ziegler 100: 2008 Results
,The release of the 2009 AAHSA Ziegler 100 (AZ 100) report coincides with one of the most challenging economic environments senior living providers have faced…
New Activity Measure Shows Potential to Assess Mobility in Older Adults
,The Journal of the American Geriatrics Society published a study that demonstrates the feasibility of using non-invasive, “off the shelf” mobile technology to monitor the…
Aging and Personality
,A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology has shed new light on how personality traits change as we get older. Over…
Encouraging Better Standards for Medication Use by Older Adults
,The Journal of the American Medical Association features two pieces that address medication use among older adults. One is a commentary by Dr. Jerry Avorn,…