Falls Reduction
What You Can Do to Prevent Slips, Trips & Falls
,With a third of people age 65 and better reporting a fall each year and two-thirds of that number falling again within six months, falling…
Fall Outcomes Highlight Importance of Pre-Fall Functional Well-being
,Falls are known to be a leading cause of functional decline among older adults, though little is known about the relationship between pre-fall functional ability…
Low-Cost, Video-Based Exercise Interventions May Be Effective for Improving Strength & Flexibility
,Functional physical limitations are a significant risk factor for older adults, as they can lead to isolation, frailty, and increased risk for falls. Exercise training,…
Fear of Falling: Safety Concerns & Physical Activity
,While hospitalization is often necessary, it can carry risks for older adults—around 30 percent of hospitalizations among older adults lead to a loss of ability…
Do Policy Reports Affect Falls Reduction Practices? Evidence from England & Wales
,Falls prevention research often leads to useful findings, many of which can be fairly simply implemented in home and long-term care settings to reduce falls…
Promoting Strength & Balance with Salsa Dancing
,Falls are the main cause of injury among adults age 65 and better. Loss of postural control (the ability to maintain balance) and loss of…
Falls Risk Assessments and a Possible Link to Cognitive Health
,There are a few tests which are used to assess mobility and falls risk in older adults, such as the “Timed Up and Go” test…
Personal Identity and Participation in Falls Reduction
,Research on falls reduction has identified several effective approaches to reducing falls risk. Current evidence-based programs exist and can be used to reduce the risk…
Falls Reduction Programs: Why Older Adults Do or Don’t Participate
,Falls reduction programming can be effective in reducing falls thus enhancing the well-being and independence of many older adults. Even so, agencies and health care…
Videogaming as a Diagnostic Tool for Fall Risk
,The Nintendo Wii, a videogame console that detects the user’s motion in gameplay, has been used in community centers and residences as a way to…
Updated Clinical Practice Guidelines for Fall Prevention
,An article in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society summarizes the updated (2010) American Geriatrics Society/ British Geriatrics Society Clinical Practice Guideline for Prevention…
Current research on falls prevention: the efficacy of falls reduction programs
,Many recent research articles show that comprehensive assessment and prevention programs are useful ways to reduce falls and related injuries for older adults, in community,…