cognitive health
How Do Different Types of Leisure Affect Depressive Symptoms?
,Participation in leisure activities has been shown to benefit the mental health of older adults, but it has not always been clear what mental health…
The More You Know: A PSA on How to Be a Wiser Consumer of Scientific Research
A recent study in Neurobiology of Aging attempted to further scientific understanding of how the aging process impacts the human capacity to empathize. While the…
Modifying Heart Health May Boost Brain Health
,The American Heart Association has released an assessment tool called Life’s Simple 7 that focuses on modifiable health behaviors, which can be used to promote…
Is Tai Chi Better for Brain Health Than “Western” Exercises?
,Physical exercise has been identified as one of the most effective things an adult can do to reduce risk of cognitive decline, and has been…
Physical & Cognitive Functioning Improving for Individuals in Their 90s
,A recent study in Denmark compares the cognitive and physical functioning at age 95 of 1,584 individuals born in 1915 to the earlier performance of…
Good Sleep Associated with Slower Buildup of Alzheimer’s Plaques
,In a brain imaging study of 70 adults, researchers at Johns Hopkins investigated the impact of sleep on the accumulation of beta-amyloid plaques, a hallmark…
The Impact of Music Therapy on Agitation & Medication Usage for Nursing Home Residents with Dementia
,A recent study in the journal Aging & Mental Health examines the impact of music therapy on levels of agitation among nursing home residents with…
Childhood Socioeconomic Status Continues to Impact Physical and Cognitive Health
,A number of studies have shown an association of socioeconomic status with a longer life span, and a recent study expands upon this research to…
Hypoglycemia & Dementia: Mutual Risk Factors
,Diabetes mellitus (DM) appears to be associated with an increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and other dementias. One possible pathway for this risk is through…
Computer Use & Cognitive Testing: What Is the Relationship between Experience & Cognitive Ability?
,Computer-based cognitive tests are being used by researchers at an increasing rate, and may be particularly useful in population-based clinical assessments. However, it is difficult…
Dementia & Physical Performance at 90+ Years of Age
,The population of individuals age 90 and better is growing, but is not often included in research studies. Research has identified an association between decreased…