Ajla Basic
TRENDING NOW: A Social Cycling Experience for Older Adults
,A small but growing international trend within the older adult population has been reported by McKnight’s Senior Living and the Chronicle of Philanthropy. A new…
Get Me to the Church on Time: Religiosity Linked to Longer Life Expectancy
,A new study shines light on the contributions of different aspects of religion on life expectancy and looks at what proportion of any extended life…
A Clean Bill of Health: Research Reveals How to Improve Hand Hygiene among Older Adults
,In a study that earned a 2018 silver Mather LifeWays Innovative Research on Aging Award, researchers attempted to discover a simple approach to a serious problem:…
Another Reason to Diversify: Your Health Depends on It
,In a study that earned a 2018 silver Mather LifeWays Innovative Research on Aging Award, researchers examined how systemic inflammation—which is linked to poor health,…
Stressed Out? Change Your Attitudes Toward Aging
,According to recent research, having a positive attitude toward one’s own aging may help older adults cope with stress by reducing negative reactions to difficult…
Caught on Camera: The Different Causes of Falls in Men & Women
,Most falls-related research has relied on self-reports to identify the cause of a fall, but in a novel study that earned the 2018 gold Mather…
Leveling the Playing Field: Exercise Intervention Boosts Brain Function in Older Hispanics
,A recent study examined the effects of an exercise intervention called ¡Caminemos! on the cognitive function of 571 Hispanic/Latino older adults for two years. The…
TRENDING NOW: Older Adults Travel with Virtual Reality
,A recent trend among older adults is taking a once-in-a-lifetime trip. . . virtually. Several recent articles note the increased use of virtual reality goggles…
Cult of Personality: Older Adults’ Personalities Impact Their Benefits from Social Contact
,While social contact has been shown to have positive impacts on cognitive functioning in older adults overall, a recent study looked at how individuals’ personalities…
Museums for Memory: How Cultural Engagement Affects Brain Health
,Is going to a museum, theater performance, or cinema good for our brains? A recent study aimed to answer this question. Previous research has suggested…
Scrutinizing Supports & Stressors for Informal Caregivers
,In light of the crucial importance of informal caregivers of older adults and how taxing their work can be, a recent study looked into what…
TRENDING NOW: Social Media Trending as Platform for Fighting Ageism
,The California government’s Commission on Aging is joining the fight against ageism and unrealistic portrayals of aging. As part of their “Hollywood Takes: On Aging”…