Conversation Starter: ChatGPT as a Communications Solution to Older Adult Isolation

Social isolation and loneliness are pressing issues among older adults, particularly among those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). One article considers how ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence (AI) conversational tool, may provide an opportunity to address these challenges.

ChatGPT is a novel approach to mitigating social isolation and loneliness among older adults with MCI. It provides humanlike conversation, enabling engaging and meaningful interactions. ChatGPT acts as a virtual companion, facilitating conversations and bridging the communication gap between older adults with MCI and their social network. The AI tool offers nonjudgmental spaces for expressing thoughts and feelings, addressing communication difficulties, and adapting its communication style to user needs. ChatGPT assists with daily tasks, offering reminders and information on coping strategies, thereby enhancing independence and quality of life. ChatGPT is accessible through various devices, making it a convenient tool for older adults with limited mobility.

Despite all of its potential benefits, researchers note several concerns related to its use, including the need for evidence-based research, ethical considerations regarding privacy and data security, bridging the digital divide, and the importance of ChatGPT as a supplementary tool rather than a substitute for human interaction.

While highlighting the promising benefits of this technology, the authors acknowledge the need for rigorous research, ethical considerations, and continued emphasis on human interaction. With these factors in mind, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool in enhancing the quality of life for older adults with cognitive impairment.


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Qi, P. (n.d.). CHATGPT: A promising tool to combat social isolation and loneliness in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. NeurologyLive.


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