Family Alliance and CJE’s Friend Center: Our Partners in Design and Development

Mather LifeWays is pleased to initiate a new Spotlight on Partners section!

We work with many organizations that are serving older adults in a variety of ways. While we may not be able to acknowledge every one of our partners, we will try to note as many as possible in the coming months.

Spotlight Partners this month include the Family Alliance and the Friend Center at the Council for Jewish Elderly (CJE). We have collaborated with both on two projects funded by grants from the National Institute on Aging. Those grants support the development and testing of the system that Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging and Benten Technologies have developed to assess the quality of life of people with dementia. The system is called mOQOLD (mobile Observing Quality of Life in Dementia).

Family Alliance’s active adult wellness and mental health fitness center distinguishes itself by being the only center in McHenry County, Illinois, to offer on-site, person-centered direct care.  This year, Family Alliance has been awarded NADSA’s National Adult Day Center Award for excellence and innovation in the support and delivery of adult day services.
Learn more about Family Alliance’s unique programs, including Dementia Support Services, Mental Health Recovery Services and the REACH Wellness Program, (815)338-3590.

The Friend Center, part of the Weinberg Community for Senior Living CJE Senior Life, offers 35 private rooms for people with early to mid-stage Alzheimer’s and related dementia. Professional trained staff members provide appropriate programs and services, 24-hour supervision, and individualized attention to meet the needs of each resident. Many good things come together at The Friend Center—the carefully planned atmosphere, the dedicated staff, and the engaging activities. Learn more about CJE.

We thank our partners and the people they serve for working with us to develop new ways to Age Well!

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